This application is used to change binary 8 bit data in to other forms that are decimal and hexadecimal. This application is used to make numeral binary conversion easier to be written in the Port Parallel that is impossible to write data in bit type format, the data that can be written to Port Parallel is Byte, Word, and DWord data.
To make binary numeral Converter Application to decimal and hexadecimal, enter the following component in the table to Form 1:
Table, the list of the Binary numeral Application Converter to the decimal and hexadecimal
No | Component | Properti | Value |
Form1 | Caption | BINER TO DEC AND HEXA | |
GroupBox1 | Caption | BINER | |
GroupBox1 | Caption | Hexa + Decimal | |
Label1 | Caption | D0 | |
Label2 | Caption | D1 | |
Label3 | Caption | D2 | |
Label4 | Caption | D3 | |
Label5 | Caption | D4 | |
Label6 | Caption | D5 | |
Label7 | Caption | D6 | |
Label8 | Caption | D7 | |
Label9 | Caption | Hexa | |
Label10 | Caption | Decimal | |
Edit1 | Text | 1 | |
Edit2 | Text | 1 | |
Edit3 | Text | 1 | |
Edit4 | Text | 1 | |
Edit5 | Text | 1 | |
Edit6 | Text | 1 | |
Edit7 | Text | 1 | |
Edit8 | Text | 1 | |
Edit9 | Text | Kosongkan | |
Edit10 | Text | Kosongkan | |
Button1 | Caption | Low | |
Button2 | Caption | Low | |
Button3 | Caption | Low | |
Button4 | Caption | Low | |
Button5 | Caption | Low | |
Button6 | Caption | Low | |
Button7 | Caption | Low | |
Button8 | Caption | Low | |
Button9 | Caption | CONVERT HEXA | |
Button10 | Caption | CONVERT DEC |
After that arrange the visualization become:
Picture. Binary Converter Application Visualization Design to decimal and hexadecimal.
After finishing arrange it, declare a global variable with value name integer type as the following picture below:
Picture; Global Variable declaration.
Type Source Code properly with the following table below:Table. Binary numeral converter application visualization design to decimal and hexadecimal source code.
Component | Event | Source Code |
Button1 | OnClick | value:=strtoint(edit1.Text); if value = 1 then begin value:=0; button1.Caption:='High'; edit1.Text:=inttostr(value); end else if value = 0 then begin value:=1; edit1.Text:=inttostr(value); button1.Caption:='Low'; end; |
Button2 | OnClick | value:=strtoint(edit2.Text); if value = 1 then begin value:=0; button2.Caption:='High'; edit2.Text:=inttostr(value); end else if value = 0 then begin value:=1; edit2.Text:=inttostr(value); button2.Caption:='Low'; end; |
Button3 | OnClick | value:=strtoint(edit3.Text); if value = 1 then begin value:=0; button3.Caption:='High'; edit3.Text:=inttostr(value); end else if value = 0 then begin value:=1; edit3.Text:=inttostr(value); button3.Caption:='Low'; end; |
Button4 | OnClick | value:=strtoint(edit4.Text); if value = 1 then begin value:=0; button4.Caption:='High'; edit4.Text:=inttostr(value); end else if value = 0 then begin value:=1; edit4.Text:=inttostr(value); button4.Caption:='Low'; end; |
Button5 | OnClick | value:=strtoint(edit5.Text); if value = 1 then begin value:=0; button5.Caption:='High'; edit5.Text:=inttostr(value); end else if value = 0 then begin value:=1; edit5.Text:=inttostr(value); button5.Caption:='Low'; end; |
Button6 | OnClick | value:=strtoint(edit6.Text); if value = 1 then begin value:=0; button6.Caption:='High'; edit6.Text:=inttostr(value); end else if value = 0 then begin value:=1; edit6.Text:=inttostr(value); button6.Caption:='Low'; end; |
Button7 | OnClick | value:=strtoint(edit7.Text); if value = 1 then begin value:=0; button7.Caption:='High'; edit7.Text:=inttostr(value); end else if value = 0 then begin value:=1; edit7.Text:=inttostr(value); button7.Caption:='Low'; end; |
Button8 | OnClick | value:=strtoint(edit8.Text); if value = 1 then begin value:=0; button8.Caption:='High'; edit8.Text:=inttostr(value); end else if value = 0 then begin value:=1; edit8.Text:=inttostr(value); button8.Caption:='Low'; end; |
Button9 | OnClick | var bit1,bit2,bit3,bit4,bit5,bit6,bit7,bit8,dec1,dec2,dec3, dec4,dec5,dec6,dec7,dec8,dec_tot:integer; begin bit1:= strtoint(Edit1.text); if bit1=0 then dec1:=0 else dec1:=1; bit2:= strtoint(Edit2.text); if bit2=0 then dec2:=0 else dec2:=2; bit3:= strtoint(Edit3.text); if bit3=0 then dec3:=0 else dec3:=4; bit4:= strtoint(Edit4.text); if bit4=0 then dec4:=0 else dec4:=8; bit5:= strtoint(Edit5.text); if bit5=0 then dec5:=0 else dec5:=16; bit6:= strtoint(Edit6.text); if bit6=0 then dec6:=0 else dec6:=32; bit7:= strtoint(Edit7.text); if bit7=0 then dec7:=0 else dec7:=64; bit8:= strtoint(Edit8.text); if bit8=0 then dec8:=0 else dec8:=128; dec_tot:=dec1+dec2+dec3+dec4+dec5+dec6+dec7+dec8; edit10.Text:=inttostr(dec_tot); |
Button10 | OnClick | var str1,str2,hexa : string; begin str1 :=Edit4.Text + Edit3.Text + Edit2.Text + Edit1.Text; if (str1 = '0000')then hexa :='0'; if (str1 = '0001')then hexa :='1'; if (str1 = '0010')then hexa :='2'; if (str1 = '0011')then hexa :='3'; if (str1 = '0100')then hexa :='4'; if (str1 = '0101')then hexa :='5'; if (str1 = '0110')then hexa :='6'; if (str1 = '0111')then hexa :='7'; if (str1 = '1000')then hexa :='8'; if (str1 = '1001')then hexa :='9'; if (str1 = '1010')then hexa :='A'; if (str1 = '1011')then hexa :='B'; if (str1 = '1100')then hexa :='C'; if (str1 = '1101')then hexa :='D'; if (str1 = '1110')then hexa :='E'; if (str1 = '1111')then hexa :='F'; str2 := Edit8.Text + Edit7.Text + Edit6.Text + Edit5.Text ; if (str2 = '0000')then hexa :='0'+hexa; if (str2 = '0001')then hexa :='1'+hexa; if (str2 = '0010')then hexa :='2'+hexa; if (str2 = '0011')then hexa :='3'+hexa; if (str2 = '0100')then hexa :='4'+hexa; if (str2 = '0101')then hexa :='5'+hexa; if (str2 = '0110')then hexa :='6'+hexa; if (str2 = '0111')then hexa :='7'+hexa; if (str2 = '1000')then hexa :='8'+hexa; if (str2 = '1001')then hexa :='9'+hexa; if (str2 = '1010')then hexa :='A'+hexa; if (str2 = '1011')then hexa :='B'+hexa; if (str2 = '1100')then hexa :='C'+hexa; if (str2 = '1101')then hexa :='D'+hexa; if (str2 = '1110')then hexa :='E'+hexa; if (str2 = '1111')then hexa :='F'+hexa; Edit9.text :=hexa; end; |
After that run, the following is the testing visualization of binary to hexa decimal and decimal Converter Application visualization design to decimal and hexadecimal that is made:
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