Basically, spacing character in a text can be erased by using trim order, but limited to the spacing character in the right or left side in a certain text. Besides, it can be used to erase the character in both right and left side in a text, but it can’t be used to erase the spacing character that is between the words or letters. To do that, it needs a function that have to be made first. Give name “DeleteSpaces” for the function, the source code is;
Function Deletespace(Str: string): string;
i: Integer;
while i<=Length(Str) do
if Str[i]=' ' then Delete(Str, i, 1) // this is the main order to erase spacing character “”
else Inc(i);
The example of the implementation is as follows:
The source code type on Button Delete Space is :
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
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