--> Sms controller (via sms controlling) by using modem serial wavecom fastrack M1306B being interfaced with microcontroller of bascom scripts. | Delphi Tips Trick

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Monday, 5 January 2015

Sms controller (via sms controlling) by using modem serial wavecom fastrack M1306B being interfaced with microcontroller of bascom scripts.

| Monday, 5 January 2015

 Sms controller (via sms controlling) by using modem serial wavecom fastrack M1306B being interfaced with microcontroller of bascom scripts.

I have learned sending sms by using modem serial wavecom fastrack M1306B being interfaced with microcontroller of bascom scripts.
 just for fun, since I already learn how to send sms by using modem serial wavecom fastrack M1306B being interfaced with microcontroller of bascom scripts.
. In principle, sms delivery process is conducted by using communication serial, both between pc and modem or could be between modem and microcontroller. Basically, sms sending process is communication with AT command. AT command used to send SMS as below:
At+cmgs = 085743320xxx [enter]
Write the messages will be sent, then press ctrl + z simultaneously (programming code ascii for rl + z is #26). It should appear OK as the sign that sms already sent.
Here is the source code sending sms using bascom:
   Print "AT+CMGS=";   
  Print "085729169629" '---- cellphone numbers : , replaceable
  Waitms 700    '----- wait 700 ms
  Print "DEVICE SHIFT, INDICATION OF THEFT ";    '----- sms content sent
   Print Chr(26) '----- final code for sending sms command
  Wait 1  '----- wait 1 second
Above code will send command
At+cmgs = 085729169629 [enter]
Then, DEVICE MOVE, INDICATION OF THEFT, and character ctrl + Z to modem. It means we command modem to send sms contains DEVICE MOVE, INDICATION OF THEFT to 085729169629
The complete source code as follows:

$regfile = "m8def.dat"                                      'Mikrokontroler ATMega8
$crystal = 12000000 ‘ cristal dipergunakan 12 mhz
$baud = 9600 ‘baudrate 9600
'------- konfigurasi anti maling
Config Int0 = Low Level ‘(konsep maling akan mengangkat alat sehingga limit switch akan belogika 0)
On Int0 Int_ext0
Enable Interrupts
Enable Int0
$hwstack = 20
$swstack = 8
$framesize = 8
Config Serialin = Buffered , Size = 72
Waitms 500
print "AT"
'------ sistem interupsi diaktifkan
Enable Interrupts
Waitms 500                                                  'Tunggu modem stabil
'------ tes komunikasi dengan modem
  Print "AT" :                                              ' kirim text “AT” keodem
  Getline Sret                                              ' get data from modem
Loop Until Sret = "OK"                                      ' modem harus send OK ke mikrokontroller
'------ tunggu 2 detik
Wait 2
'Print "AT+CMGF=1";
'wait 1
   Print "AT+CMGS=";
   '----nomor HP tujuan : , bisa ganti yang lain
   Print "085729169629"
   '----- tunggu 700 ms
   Waitms 700
   '----- isi sms yang dikirim
   '----- kode akhiran untuk perintah kirim sms
   Print Chr(26)
   '----- tunggu 1 detik
   Wait 1

Video 1 Sms controller (via sms controlling) by using modem serial wavecom fastrack M1306B being interfaced with microcontroller of bascom scripts.

Video 2 Sms controller (via sms controlling) by using modem serial wavecom fastrack M1306B being interfaced with microcontroller of bascom scripts

Video 3 Sms controller (via sms controlling) by using modem serial wavecom fastrack M1306B being interfaced with microcontroller of bascom scripts


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