--> Application to Execute Website (To the Certain URL Address) with Delphi | Delphi Tips Trick

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Friday 23 September 2011

Application to Execute Website (To the Certain URL Address) with Delphi

| Friday 23 September 2011
Application to Execute Website (To the Certain URL Address) with Delphi

Have you ever found an application that is made using Delphi where there is label, edit, or other components that when you click will bring you to a certain website address? If yes, have you ever thought how to make it? To make that application, please follow this writing orderly and thorough

Enter the following component into design form.

No Component Name Properties Value
1 Label1 Caption Go to Web
2 Edit1 Text www.ItsToShare.com
3 Button1 Caption Go

Arrange component so that become as follows.

Add ShellAPI in uses so that become.

Next is type the source code as follows in button 1 event OnClick.

if Trim(Edit1.Text) <> '' then

ShellExecute(Handle, nil, PChar(Edit1.Text), nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL);

Please execute the program that is made then Click on Button 1 (GO)

You will be brought to visit website address like the following picture below.

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