--> The steps to make dialog killer | Delphi Tips Trick

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Tuesday 23 August 2011

The steps to make dialog killer

| Tuesday 23 August 2011
 1. Enter the component as follows:

No Komponen Properti Nilai
1 Button1 Caption Non Aktifkan Dialog Killer
Name BtnNonAktif
2 Button2 Caption Aktifkan Dialog Killer
Name BtnAktif
3 Edit1 Caption -
Name EdText
4 Label1 Name LblKet
Caption Kondisi Dialog Killer
5 Timer1 Enabled False

 2. Arrange the visualization program design become as follows:

Picture 2. The steps to make dialog killer :Visualization of Dialog Killer design

 3. Then enter the source code as follows on each component that is mentioned in the table below.

No. Component Name Source Code
1 BtnNonaktif timer1.Enabled:=false;

lblket.Caption:='Dialog killer non aktive';
2 Btnaktif timer1.Enabled:=true;

LblKet.Caption:='Dialog killer aktif'  ;
3 Timer1 hwnd := FindWindow(nil, pChar(edText.Text));



4 Form1 var i :integer;


Lblket.Caption:=' Dialog killer non aktive ' ;


for i := 1 to ParamCount do


  if lowercase(paramstr(i))= 'exit' then



  if paramstr(i)<>'' then Edtext.Text:=paramstr(i);



Then execute the program, the result is as follows;

Picture 3. The steps to make dialog killer :Dialog Killer in non active and active condition
The example of Dialog Killer usage is as follows:
There is dialog box which is occurred in monitor named SWKendali

            Picture 4. The steps to make dialog killer :Appear dialog box named SWKendali
Activate Dialog Killer to close dialog box named “Swkendali”
Picture 5. The steps to make dialog killer :Activate Dialog Killer
Automatically, the Swkendali dialog box which is appeared will close directly.

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