No | Component Name | Properties | Value |
Button1 | Caption | Batal | |
Name | BtnBatal | ||
Button2 | Caption | Kirim | |
Name | BtnKirim | ||
Button3 | Caption | Connect ke HP | |
Name | BtnConnect | ||
Button4 | Caption | Hapus Pesan | |
Name | BtnHapus | ||
GroupBox1 | Name | GroupBox1 | |
Caption | Pesan Masuk | ||
GroupBox2 | Name | GroupBox2 | |
Caption | Kirim Pesan | ||
Memo1 | Name | PesanMasuk | |
Memo2 | Name | PesanKeluar | |
Label1 | Caption | IsiPesan | |
Name | LblPesanMasuk | ||
Label2 | Caption | IsiPesan | |
Name | LblPesanKeluar | ||
Label3 | Caption | Status Koneksi | |
Name | LblStatus | ||
Label4 | Caption | Pengirim | |
Name | LblSender | ||
Label5 | Caption | Waktu | |
Name | LblWaktu | ||
Label6 | Caption | No Tujuan | |
Name | LblTujuan | ||
Label7 | Caption | Status Koneksi | |
Name | LblStatus | ||
Edit1 | Text | Pengirim | |
Name | EdSender | ||
Edit2 | Text | Waktu | |
Name | EdWaktu | ||
Edit3 | Text | +62 | |
Name | EdTujuan | ||
OxygenSMS1 | Name | SMS1 | |
ConnectionMode | 2 | ||
Connection mode on Oxygen SMS1 Component is managed by the creator as follows: 0: DAU-P9 1:DLR-3 2:Infrared |
Arrange the component become this following visualization below:
Picture 1. Visualization Program Design.
Then enter the source code as follows on each component which is mentioned in the table below:
No. | Nama Komponen | Source Code |
BtnConnect | if (SMS1.Open=true) then LblStatus.Caption:= 'Terkoneksi' else LblStatus.Caption:= 'Koneksi gagal'; | |
BtnBatal | PesanKeluar.Text:=''; | |
BtnKirim | SMS1.SendSMSMessage(edtujuan.Text, PesanKeluar.Text,167,true,false,nil); | |
BtnHapus | PesanMasuk.Text:=''; EdSender.Text:=''; EdWaktu.Text:=''; | |
SMS1 | PesanMasuk.Text:=uppercase(text); edsender.Text:= send; edwaktu.Text:= datetimetostr(time); |
Do the execution by Run 0r press F9 button on the keyboard
The result of the execution is as follows;
picture 2. The result of Program execution
Picture 3. Visualization before sending Message.
Picture 4. Visualization when receive Massage.
Picture 5. Visualization when inbox is visualized
P.S>>> Why the writing became WWW.OXYGENSOFTWARE.COM OUT BOX IS TRIED TO BE SENT BY TAUFIK ADI SANJAYA is advertisement from the creator of OxygenSMS (nagscreen) component.
This is a shareware component Version (read: may use, but limited)
>>> Why the writing is all in capital?? The answer is there is source code uppercase (text): ß uppercase commands in Delphi have function for making letter become capital.
>>> When receiving SMS, why there is a dialog box like the picture below?
Picture 6. Dialog box: “Message Arrive”
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