--> Accessing SMS With Borland Delphi 7: Sending and Receiving SMS In Nokia Mobile Phone Easily Using Oxygen SMS Component On Borland Delphi 7.0: Making SMS Access Software | Delphi Tips Trick

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Tuesday 13 September 2011

Accessing SMS With Borland Delphi 7: Sending and Receiving SMS In Nokia Mobile Phone Easily Using Oxygen SMS Component On Borland Delphi 7.0: Making SMS Access Software

| Tuesday 13 September 2011
Insert the following below :

No Component Name Properties Value

Button1 Caption Batal
Name BtnBatal

Button2 Caption Kirim
Name BtnKirim

Button3 Caption Connect ke HP
Name BtnConnect

Button4 Caption Hapus Pesan
Name BtnHapus

GroupBox1 Name GroupBox1
Caption Pesan Masuk

GroupBox2 Name GroupBox2
Caption Kirim Pesan

Memo1 Name PesanMasuk

Memo2 Name PesanKeluar

Label1 Caption IsiPesan
Name LblPesanMasuk

Label2 Caption IsiPesan
Name LblPesanKeluar

Label3 Caption Status Koneksi
Name LblStatus

Label4 Caption Pengirim

Name LblSender

Label5 Caption Waktu

Name LblWaktu

Label6 Caption No Tujuan

Name LblTujuan

Label7 Caption Status Koneksi

Name LblStatus

Edit1 Text Pengirim

Name EdSender

Edit2 Text Waktu

Name EdWaktu

Edit3 Text +62

Name EdTujuan

OxygenSMS1 Name SMS1

ConnectionMode 2
Connection mode on Oxygen SMS1 Component is managed by the creator as follows:
0: DAU-P9

Arrange the component become this following visualization below:

Picture 1. Visualization Program Design.

Then enter the source code as follows on each component which is mentioned in the table below:

No. Nama Komponen Source Code

BtnConnect if (SMS1.Open=true) then
LblStatus.Caption:= 'Terkoneksi'   else
LblStatus.Caption:= 'Koneksi gagal';

BtnBatal PesanKeluar.Text:='';

BtnKirim SMS1.SendSMSMessage(edtujuan.Text,

BtnHapus PesanMasuk.Text:='';

SMS1 PesanMasuk.Text:=uppercase(text);
edsender.Text:= send;
edwaktu.Text:= datetimetostr(time);

Do the execution by Run 0r press F9 button on the keyboard
The result of the execution is as follows;

picture 2. The result of Program execution

Time for testing the program. :

 Picture 3. Visualization before sending Message.

Picture 4. Visualization when receive Massage.

 Picture 5. Visualization when inbox is visualized
www.oxygensoftware.com is advertisement from the creator of OxygenSMS (nagscreen) component.
This is a shareware component Version (read: may use, but limited)
>>> Why the writing is all in capital?? The answer is there is source code uppercase (text): ß uppercase commands in Delphi have function for making letter become capital.
>>> When receiving SMS, why there is a dialog box like the picture below?

Picture 6. Dialog box: “Message Arrive”

The answer; once again, this is a shareware version component (read: you may use, but it is limited). But don’t worry, we can find a way by making simple application which can close the dialog box automatically. It is “Dialog Killer”. We can make it using Delphi.

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