--> The Example Using Chart In Borland Delphi 7 | Delphi Tips Trick

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Wednesday 21 September 2011

The Example Using Chart In Borland Delphi 7

| Wednesday 21 September 2011
The Example Using Chart In Borland Delphi 7

In this writing will discuss about how to use the chart in Delphi 7. In the example that is made by using Delphi 7, chart will appear 2 data in the form of incremental data number, the first data named data 1 and the second data named data 2. Data 1 is incremental data 1 that is begun from 0 until 10; while data 2 is same. Yet, in the beginning condition of data 1 start from 0 while data 2 start from 1.

To make application as the explanation above, please enter the components in the table below into design form.

Component Properties Value Note
1 Form1 Caption The Chart of Data on Delphi 7
2 GroupBox1 Caption The Chart of Data on Delphi 7
3 Label1 Caption Data 1
4 Label2 Caption Data 2
5 Edit1 Text 0
6 Edit2 Text 0
7 Button1 Caption Show to Chart
8 Button2 Caption Close
9 Timer1 Enabled False
10 Chart - - Check the Note

Double click on chart component, set the property of chart as below:

Click on  Add.. Button

Then the following chart gallery will be shown:

Choose the  Fast Line an then Press OK

Add 1 series again (the steps same with the steps before), so will appear 2 series like the picture below:

To set the variable of  vertikal dan horizontal series, please click on axis  tab

And then click at tittle  sub tab,

Arrange the design form visualization so that become like the following picture below:

Picture, Delphi application design using chart
Enter the source code below.

Component Name Event SOURCE CODE
Form1 Form


Button1 OnClick data1:=0;


Button2 OnClick application.Terminate;
Timer1 OnTimer if data1<10 then inc(data1);

if data2<10 then inc(data2);

if data1>=10 then data1:=0;

if data2>=10 then data2:=0;





Before execute the program, please declare 2 kind global variable and give it name data 1 and data 2 with integer data type as the following picture below;

picture variable declaration
Please execute the application that had been made, will appear as follows:

Picture. The result of application execution that had been made.
This following is the application picture when it is run
click the (Show Chart Button)

Picture. The result of application execution when it is run.

 I hope this article can give benefit to the visitors, readers, developer and me. Thanks for visiting and availability for sharing this article by pressing 

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