--> SMS TECHNOLOGY | Delphi Tips Trick

For Newbie

Wednesday 21 September 2011


| Wednesday 21 September 2011
One of the services in the mobile phone and now become trend in society is SMS (Short Message Service). SMS is technology that can accept and send message among mobile phone. This technology is first acknowledge in 1992 in Europe by ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) and at the beginning become a standard for wireless telephone in GSM (Global Systems for Mobile Communications) basis.
As its name, SMS which means short message service, then the amount of the data that able to be accommodate is 140 byte or 1120 bit. If in character form, one SMS accommodate at least 169 Latin characters, and 70 non-Latin characters, like China or Japan characters. SMS is a revolution where the service that is not sound/audio basis can be famous, which in moving communication industry, sound is the real basis. The cause of SMS work and popular are:
a.    user can send SMS to destination number though the destination number is not active
This happen because SMS has waiting time. So, as long as the waiting time is not run out, SMS is able to be delivered to destination number even it is late.
b.    SMS exist in every mobile phone
Because SMS is a standard that every mobile phone has, in GSM basis
c.    The user could not avoid the SMS that is come
Different with direct call that can be rejected if you do not want to answer it, until now; there is no way in mobile phone or operator to reject SMS that has been sent
d.    Affordable 

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